Produkter / Natural Gas for Industries
Natural Gas for Industries
Natural gas is mostly used in industries and processes in need of heat or steam. Industrial use of Natural gas often replaces more pollutive and more expensive energy sources like oil or coal.
Lower costs with Natural Gas
Industrial customers choose Barents NaturGass because we deliver a product that is cheaper and require less maintenance than alternatives like oil and coal. Therefore, natural gas is the best alternative for businesses with a need for process heat. Typical examples of natural gas customers are combustion facilities, asphalt production, styrofoam production, plastic factories, drying facilities, steam-production and all forms of melting. If you need heating in large buildings or factory complexes or as central heating in residential areas or apartment buildings, natural gas could be the right choice for you.There’s four economic benefits by using and changing to natural gas
1. Low investment costs
2. Lower energy price
3. Lower taxes and fees
4. Advantageous payment model
READ MORE about economic benefits
Natural Gas is an environment friendly alternative
LNG and Natural gas gives a large positive environmental effect both locally and globally. Locally the elimination of sulphide, and dust/particles as well as the reduction of NOx with approximately 90% give measurable and instant effect. On a regional and global scale the reduction of CO2 emissions with approximately 25% is beneficial.Your business environmental profile is strengthened by converting to LNG and natural gas and for many businesses this is the most environmental friendly solution available today.
Our solution is fitted to your needs
Our standard solution is to take responsibility for both investments and operating the installation and all equipment related to the LNG tank, regasification and pipes until the gas reaches your burner or process equipment. Our mantra is that our customers should experience using natural gas as easy as using electricity. Barents NaturGass will always make sure that sufficient energy is available through continuous remote monitoring of the tank and installation. Our customers do not need to monitor or order gas. Our payment model will only charge for the actual gas consumed and not the storage volume.If you already have an existing LNG facility and storage tank we can of course deliver LNG to your facility in accordance to your ordered volume.
This is a LNG facility setup
The facility is setup by a vacuum insulated steel LNG tank, vaporizer, pipes, valves, regulator and a control system. In adittion all facilities are connected to Barents NaturGass electronic monitoring system for continuous monitoring of levels, pressures and alarms.The size of the LNG tank is adapted to the customers energy need, need for backup and the logistic situation. Unless there’s a very short transport the tank will always be larger than the capacity of the LNG truck so we can deliver whole loads and keep transport costs down.
From the tank pipes run to the vaporizer who heat the liquid natural gas using the air or surplus hot process water as a heat source. This gasification is therefore done without adding energy. Note that even a cold winter night in the arctic is more than hot enough for this process. From the vaporizer, natural gas flow to the regulator station that produce the wanted pressure. The regulator also adds an odorant so that any gas leak is can be detected. If the gas temperature is lower than 4°C then some heat is added to ensure a stable temperature on the gas that goes to the customers facility.
From the regulator, the gas runs underground through normal polyethylene pipes to the customers factory/facility wall. A meter and additional pressure valve is mounted on the wall. Only the consumed gas measured by this meter is charged out customers in our standard solution.
Adapting your existing facility
For businesses that convert from oil to natural gas, most often it is enough to change the burner. When changing from LPG to natural gas, changing nozzles is often enough. Each case is a little different and needs assessment.
Barents NaturGass does not rebuild or adapt existing facilities, but we are helpful with providing contact information as well as natural gas competence.
Safety measures
The customer facility is equipped with gas detector, flame detector and LNG detector that all are connected to the Barents NaturGass monitoring system as well as providing alarms with sound and light if anomalies are detected.Based on a risk assessment a safety zone around the facility is established. In the safety zone there should be no unauthorized personnel, parking, flammable buildings or materials. The safety zone is due to the need to secure the tank from fire or heat from the environment and avoid a pressure build-up. And if there is an event at the LNG facility to protect the surroundings. The safety zone depends on the tank size and the area and is most often between 15-30 meters (49-98 feet).
Inspection, maintenance and monitoring
The LNG facility is not manned, but pressures, levels and alarms are monitored at all times.The driver that deliver LNG does normal inspection of the facility at every delivery. More extensive inspection and maintenance is done when needed and in accordance to the maintenance plan. For most facilities, this is 2-4 times/year depending on volume. The LNG delivery rarely needs to be closed during maintenance. Barents NaturGass has more than 10 years of experience in these types of LNG facilities, we consider them very reliable.
According to government regulations all smaller facilities with a capacity of less than 50 tons of LNG is reported to the government. Larger facilities need to be approved by the government before start-up.
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Our solution is fitted to your needs
Our mantra is that our customers should experience using natural gas as easy as using electricity. Barents NaturGass will always make sure that sufficient energy is available through continuous remote monitoring of the tank and installation.
LNG facility
Bra Kasser Sør-Arnøy
The facility at Sør-Arnøy close to Bodø, is a typical industrial facility. Barents NaturGass delivers natural gas to the facility. Therefor Bra Kasser kan produce styrofoam crates for the slaughterhouse Salten N950.
Tankvolume: 80m3
Remote monitoring

Barents NaturGass facilities are not manned, but pressure, levels and alarms are monitored electronically at all times.
For more information about our drivers see
For more information about readiness see
For more information about safety see