About Barents Naturgass / Readiness
Industry leading readiness
Barents NaturGass take readiness serious and have continuity plans that scale across our value chain. From the gas is collected at the LNG plant until it is consumed by the customer.
Our readiness plans
The readiness plan is supplemented by alarm plans and safety plans for facilities and trucks/containers. Barents NaturGass readiness plans are shared with fire departments and local councils in the areas we have facilities, deliveries or pass with our transport.
Safety officer on duty
We have an operative safety officer on duty 24/7 that can be reached on +47 958 20 506
Barents NaturGass has developed a good and fruitful cooperation with NorSeaGroup – Polarbase and Hammerfest Fire and Rescue department. The Fire department is well equipped to handle LNG and natural gas fires and regularly train together with the Barents NaturGass crew on the Hammerfest LNG factory. Through these partnerships we develop our readiness and procedures continuously as well as developing procedures and training for fire departments in our customers locations. We therefore state that Barents NaturGass leads the industry in LNG safety and readiness.
The safety equipment
Barents NaturGass has equipped a safety car trailer that is ready to deploy by car or helicopter depending on the distance to the event. The container contains extra hoses, flares and other relevant equipment to handle an emergency. The equipment is also used for demonstration and training of Barents NaturGass personnel and Fire departments during our annual LNG readiness days. Here we offer training in LNG-Safety, understanding and fire fighting for fire departments, customer training and other stakeholders.
Safety officer on duty 24/7
958 20 506
Readiness plans
Readiness equipment